速報APP / 娛樂 / Quotes Creator - Maker Plus

Quotes Creator - Maker Plus


檔案大小:17.4 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:英語, 越南文

Quotes Creator - Maker Plus(圖1)-速報App

* Share your own thoughts or Words with picture. Create beautiful inspirational text pictures and sayings images for Instagram. Add poems or quotes to a photo and share your thoughts on Instagram.

* Quotes Creator is the best and easiest way to create and share your quotes with the world. Quotes Creator ready with customizing options such as background, or you can choose your photo from your Photo Gallery to be used as background, so you can share your own quotes with your friends.

*Quotes Creator is a perfectly built with good design (UI) and user experience.

After customizing your own quote, you can save / share with the world via Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp or other apps.

Quotes Creator - Maker Plus(圖2)-速報App

*** Features:

- Add text to photos

- Beautiful and user friendly design.

- Set amazing background from gallery and put your precious words on picture and share with world.

Quotes Creator - Maker Plus(圖3)-速報App

- We Provides huge quotes library with beautiful Inspiration, Motivational, Life and Love Quotes by Authors and Topics. So, you can put inspiring quotes on your own background.

Quotes Creator - Maker Plus(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad